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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Istiqamah with your habits

Developing and improving oneself is a constant process through the life of an individual. This is normally accomplished by developing and inculcating certain behaviors in ones personality. The more you practice these behaviors, the more consistent you become in adopting them and making them a permanent part of your life. There is no time when one is not trying or at least wanting to develop a certain positive habit in them. It could be extra prayers or fasts, it could be reciting the Quran, it could be sleeping early, and it could be giving up smoking or trying to develop the habit of exercising.
Whatever it is, it demands consistency.
As long as we are not consistent in what we do, we will not be able to develop the habit, because habits are developed by repeating behaviors, good or bad. The question here is, how?

How can one start to adopt a habit and be consistent with it?

What is the use if you decide to do something, start practicing and after a few days give up and let go of it? In this way, you go back to square one. Let us take a look at a few ways through which we can be consistent with the habits we adopt and make them a part of our personality and life.
    1. The 30-day rule:
      Start slowly.For example, if you want to make Duha prayer a habit – starting off with 8 rakaat from day 1 may seem like an overwhelming task to keep up. One should try to take things in steps. Start with a shorter period and slowly increase it. It is scientifically proven that it takes approximately 30 days to develop and master a habit.
      SubhanAllah, this brings Ramadan to mind which is one mighty good example – the aim of leaving all bad and unwanted habits and trying to accomplish and implement all the good habits in this blessed month helps us in carrying forward so many habits and continuing them for the rest of our lives.
    2. Do it daily:
      Whatever you set out to do, when trying to develop a habit do not skip a day. The key is to keep doing and repeating the behavior each and every day, preferably the same time and in the same way every single day until it is stuck with you and you feel that something is missing when you do not do it.
      “Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.” -Robert Puller
    3. Motivation and Reminders:
      Think about the reasons why you want to form a habit. Once you weigh the pros and cons, you will be automatically motivated to repeat the action. Thinking about all the positives and benefits you will gain by doing it and the negatives that will come or remain by not doing it will help a lot. Think this way every time you start to lose motivation. Each reminder will ensure that you stay on track.
      “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Rohn
    4.  Jehad-Ul-Nafs:
      Make the intention that this is Jehad-Ul-Nafs. Control your temptation to do the forbidden or undesired and to go back to the old habits. Fight with your inner self and push yourself to keep going against your own low desires and/or Shaytan/devil.
    5. Replace a bad habit with a good one
      “Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave good-naturedly towards people.”
      How many times have we heard this teaching, replace bad deeds and habits with good ones? Decrease your bad habits and increase your good habits. Slowly but surely you will succeed in replacing and wiping the bad habits that you possess bi’ithnillah.
    6.  Reward Success:
      Another way is to reward yourself for each day and each time you are able to accomplish your task or are able to fight and defeat the inner devil in you. This will motivate you even more to try harder and to accomplish more.
    7. Ask Allah for Help:
      Last but not least, the most important and significant practice a Muslim can do is to ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for His Guidance and Help to let you achieve what you have set out for. You will succeed, insha’Allah.
One day the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (At-Tirmidhi).
So along with your du’a, don’t forget to put in the effort on your part!

Read more: http://productivemuslim.com/how-to-be-consistent-with-your-habits/#ixzz2Cxeot9sr
Follow us: @AbuProductive on Twitter | ProductiveMuslim on Facebook
Developing and improving oneself is a constant process through the life of an individual. This is normally accomplished by developing and inculcating certain behaviors in ones personality. The more you practice these behaviors, the more consistent you become in adopting them and making them a permanent part of your life. There is no time when one is not trying or at least wanting to develop a certain positive habit in them. It could be extra prayers or fasts, it could be reciting the Quran, it could be sleeping early, and it could be giving up smoking or trying to develop the habit of exercising.
Whatever it is, it demands consistency.
As long as we are not consistent in what we do, we will not be able to develop the habit, because habits are developed by repeating behaviors, good or bad. The question here is, how?

How can one start to adopt a habit and be consistent with it?

What is the use if you decide to do something, start practicing and after a few days give up and let go of it? In this way, you go back to square one. Let us take a look at a few ways through which we can be consistent with the habits we adopt and make them a part of our personality and life.
    1. The 30-day rule:
      Start slowly.For example, if you want to make Duha prayer a habit – starting off with 8 rakaat from day 1 may seem like an overwhelming task to keep up. One should try to take things in steps. Start with a shorter period and slowly increase it. It is scientifically proven that it takes approximately 30 days to develop and master a habit.
      SubhanAllah, this brings Ramadan to mind which is one mighty good example – the aim of leaving all bad and unwanted habits and trying to accomplish and implement all the good habits in this blessed month helps us in carrying forward so many habits and continuing them for the rest of our lives.
    2. Do it daily:
      Whatever you set out to do, when trying to develop a habit do not skip a day. The key is to keep doing and repeating the behavior each and every day, preferably the same time and in the same way every single day until it is stuck with you and you feel that something is missing when you do not do it.
      “Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.” -Robert Puller
    3. Motivation and Reminders:
      Think about the reasons why you want to form a habit. Once you weigh the pros and cons, you will be automatically motivated to repeat the action. Thinking about all the positives and benefits you will gain by doing it and the negatives that will come or remain by not doing it will help a lot. Think this way every time you start to lose motivation. Each reminder will ensure that you stay on track.
      “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Rohn
    4.  Jehad-Ul-Nafs:
      Make the intention that this is Jehad-Ul-Nafs. Control your temptation to do the forbidden or undesired and to go back to the old habits. Fight with your inner self and push yourself to keep going against your own low desires and/or Shaytan/devil.
    5. Replace a bad habit with a good one
      “Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave good-naturedly towards people.”
      How many times have we heard this teaching, replace bad deeds and habits with good ones? Decrease your bad habits and increase your good habits. Slowly but surely you will succeed in replacing and wiping the bad habits that you possess bi’ithnillah.
    6.  Reward Success:
      Another way is to reward yourself for each day and each time you are able to accomplish your task or are able to fight and defeat the inner devil in you. This will motivate you even more to try harder and to accomplish more.
    7. Ask Allah for Help:
      Last but not least, the most important and significant practice a Muslim can do is to ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for His Guidance and Help to let you achieve what you have set out for. You will succeed, insha’Allah.
One day the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (At-Tirmidhi).
So along with your du’a, don’t forget to put in the effort on your part!

Read more: http://productivemuslim.com/how-to-be-consistent-with-your-habits/#ixzz2Cxeot9sr
Follow us: @AbuProductive on Twitter | ProductiveMuslim on Facebook
Developing and improving oneself is a constant process through the life of an individual. This is normally accomplished by developing and inculcating certain behaviors in ones personality. The more you practice these behaviors, the more consistent you become in adopting them and making them a permanent part of your life. There is no time when one is not trying or at least wanting to develop a certain positive habit in them. It could be extra prayers or fasts, it could be reciting the Quran, it could be sleeping early, and it could be giving up smoking or trying to develop the habit of exercising. Whatever it is, it demands consistency.
As long as we are not consistent in what we do, we will not be able to develop the habit, because habits are developed by repeating behaviors, good or bad. The question here is, how?
How can one start to adopt a habit and be consistent with it?
What is the use if you decide to do something, start practicing and after a few days give up and let go of it? In this way, you go back to square one. Let us take a look at a few ways through which we can be consistent with the habits we adopt and make them a part of our personality and life.
1. The 30-day rule:
        Start slowly.For example, if you want to make Duha prayer a habit – starting off with 8 rakaat from day 1 may seem like an overwhelming task to keep up. One should try to take things in steps. Start with a shorter period and slowly increase it. It is scientifically proven that it takes approximately 30 days to develop and master a habit.
        SubhanAllah, this brings Ramadan to mind which is one mighty good example – the aim of leaving all bad and unwanted habits and trying to accomplish and implement all the good habits in this blessed month helps us in carrying forward so many habits and continuing them for the rest of our lives.
 2. Do it daily:

        Whatever you set out to do, when trying to develop a habit do not skip a day. The key is to keep doing and repeating the behavior each and every day, preferably the same time and in the same way every single day until it is stuck with you and you feel that something is missing when you do not do it.
        “Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.” -Robert Puller
3. Motivation and Reminders:

        Think about the reasons why you want to form a habit. Once you weigh the pros and cons, you will be automatically motivated to repeat the action. Thinking about all the positives and benefits you will gain by doing it and the negatives that will come or remain by not doing it will help a lot. Think this way every time you start to lose motivation. Each reminder will ensure that you stay on track.
        “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Rohn

4. Jehad-Ul-Nafs:

        Make the intention that this is Jehad-Ul-Nafs. Control your temptation to do the forbidden or undesired and to go back to the old habits. Fight with your inner self and push yourself to keep going against your own low desires and/or Shaytan/devil. Replace a bad habit with a good one
        “Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave good-naturedly towards people.” [At-Tirmidhi]
        How many times have we heard this teaching, replace bad deeds and habits with good ones? Decrease your bad habits and increase your good habits. Slowly but surely you will succeed in replacing and wiping the bad habits that you possess bi’ithnillah.

5. Reward Success:

        Another way is to reward yourself for each day and each time you are able to accomplish your task or are able to fight and defeat the inner devil in you. This will motivate you even more to try harder and to accomplish more.
6. Ask Allah for Help:

        Last but not least, the most important and significant practice a Muslim can do is to ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for His Guidance and Help to let you achieve what you have set out for. You will succeed, insha’Allah.
One day the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (At-Tirmidhi).
So along with your du’a, don’t forget to put in the effort on your part!

By : Productive Muslim

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cinta dari Allah

Cinta yang dialirkan oleh Allah ke dalam hati, itulah cinta yang benar, suci lagi murni. Cinta yang bukan diukur ikut pandangan mata, tapi ikut pandangan Allah. Ia bersebab kerana Allah dan cinta diberi pun untuk dapat keredhaan Allah. Cinta begini tiada batasannya. Tidak pula kenal jantina dan kedudukan. Dan cinta lahir hasil dari sama-sama cinta pada Allah.
Boleh berlaku pada lelaki dengan lelaki, perempuan dengan perempuan, lelaki dengan perempuan, antara murid dengan guru, suami dengan isteri, sahabat dengan sahabat, rakyat dengan pemimpin, antara umat dengan Nabinya dan yang paling tinggi antara hamba dengan Tuhannya.
Kalau berlaku antara lelaki dengan perempuan yang tidak diikat oleh tali perkahwinan, mereka tak akan memerlukan untuk berjumpa, bercakap atau melakukan apa saja yang bertentangan dengan kemahuan Allah. Cinta mereka tidak akan dicelahi oleh nafsu berahi. Sebaliknya cinta itu ialah tautan hati yang berlaku walaupun tak pernah kenal atau baru kenal tapi hati rasa sayang dan rindu. Hati sedih kalau orang yang dicintai ditimpa susah, senang kalau yang dicinta itu senang. Sanggup susah-susahkan dan korbankan diri untuk senangkan orang yang dicintai.
Cinta yang begini ada diceritakan dalam hadis, iaitu seorang lelaki yang bertemu dan berpisah dengan sahabatnya kerana Allah maka mereka akan mendapat perlindungan ‘arasy Allah di padang mahsyar nanti, hari di amana masing-masing orang mengharap sangat lindungan dari matahari yang sejengkal saja dari
Kalau berlaku antara suami isteri maka isteri akan letak seluruh ketaatan pada suami, berkhidmat dan melayan suami tanpa jemu-jemu. Sama ada waktu suami tunjukkan sayang atau masa suami marah-marah. Sama ada suami kaya atau miskin, atau suami kahwin lagi, cinta isteri pada suami tidak belah bagi. salah satu contohnya penderitaan mengundang bahagia. Kerana cintanya pada suami datangnya dari Allah hasil dari ketaqwaan isteri. Datanglah ribut taufan, angin putting beliung melanda rumah tangga, isteri tetap memberikan cintanya yang utuh dan teguh.
Begitu juga suami, cinta pada isteri tidak kira isteri itu muda atau tua. Samada pada hatinya. Selagi isteri taat pada Allah, isteri tetap dikasihinya. Kalau dia ada empat isteri, tentulah isteri-isteri akan tertanya-tanya, pada isteri manakah yang suami paling cinta? Kalau cinta itu bersumber dari Allah, tentu isteri yang paling taqwalah yang paling layak dicintai oleh suami lebih dari isteri-isteri lain. Sebagaimana Rasulullah lebih mencintai Aisyah kerana taqwa Aisyah lebih tinggi dari istei-isteri lain. Rasulullah saw akui sendiri hanya bersama Aisyah saja, dalam satu selimut baginda pernah diberi wahyu. Tapi tidak pernah berlaku semasa baginda satu selimut dengan isteri-isteri yang lain.
Sumber cinta yang datang dari Allah akan meletakkan Allah yang paling tinggi dan utama. Bila berlaku pertembungan antara cinta Allah dengan cinta pada makhluk maka cinta Allah dimenangkan. Misalnya seorang isteri yang cinta suaminya. Tiba-tiba suami larang isteri melakukan ketaatan pada Allah dalam hal tutup aurat, walhal tutup aurat itu Allah tuntut. Maka kecintaan pada Allah itu akan mendorongnya untuk laksanakan perintah-Nya walaupun suami tidak suka ataupun terpaksa kehilangan suami. Sanggup dilakukan sebagai pengorbanan cintanya pada Allah. Sebaliknya kalau dia turut kemahuan suami ertinya kata cinta pada Allah hanya pura-pura, cintanya bukan lagi bersumberkan Allah tapi datang dari nafsu.
Cinta yang datang dari Allah menyebabkan seseorang cukup takut untuk melanggar perintah Allah yang kecil, apalagi yang besar, lagi dia gerun. Seorang yang sudah dapat mencintai Allah, cinta yang lain-lain jadi kecil dan rendah padanya.
Sejarah menceritakan kisah cinta Zulaikha terhadap Nabi Yusuf. Sewaktu Zulaikha dibelenggu oleh cinta nafsu yang berkobar-kobar pada Nabi Yusuf, dia sanggup hendak menduakan suaminya, seorang menteri. Bila Nabi Yusuf menolak keinginannya, ditariknya baju Nabi Yusuf hingga terkoyak. Akibat dari peristiwa itu Nabi Yusuf masuk penjara. Tinggallah Zulaikha memendam rindu cintanya kepada Yusuf.
Penderitaan cinta yang ditanggung oleh Zulaikha menyebabkan dia bertukar dari seorang perempuan cantik menjadi perempuan tua yang hodoh. Matanya buta kerana banyak menangis terkenangkan Yusuf, hartanya habis dibahagi-bahagikan kerana Yusuf. Sehingga datanglah belas kasihan dari Allah terhadapnya. Lalu Allah mewahyukan agar Nabi Yusuf mengahwini Zulaikha setelah Allah kembalikan penglihatan, kemudaan dan kecantikannya seperti di zaman gadisnya. Peliknya, bila Zulaikha mengenal Allah, datanglah cintanya pada Allah sehingga masanya dihabiskan untuk bermunajat dengan Allah dalam sembahyang dan zikir wirid sehingga terlupa dia hendak melayan kemahuan suaminya Yusuf yang berhajat kepadanya. terpaksa Nabi Yusuf menunggu Zulaikha menghabiskan sembahyangnya, hingga hampir hilang kesabaran Nabi Yusuf lantas ditariknya baju Zulaikha sehingga koyak; sebagaimana Zilaikha pernah menarik baju Nabi Yusuf seketika dulu.
Begitulah betapa cinta yang dulunya datang dari nafsu dapat dipadamkan bila dia kenal dan cinta pada Allah. Cinta Allah ialah taraf cinta yang tinggi. Kemuncak cinta ini ialah pertemuan yang indah dan penuh rindu di syurga yang dipenuhi dengan kenikmatan.
Cinta pada Allah akan lahir bagi orang sudah cukup kenal akan Allah. Kerana cinta lahir bersebab. kalau wanita cinta pada lelaki kerana kayanya, baiknya, tampan dan sebagainya dan lelaki cinta wanita kerana cantik, baik, lemah lembut dan sebagainya maka bagi mereka yang berakal akan rasa lebih patut dicurahkan rasa cinta pada Allah kerana segala kenikmatan itu datangnya dari Allah.
Ibu bapa, suami, isteri, sahabat handai dan siapa saja yang mengasihi dan mencintai kita, hakikatnya itu semuanya datang dari Allah. Kebaikan, kemewahan dan kecintaan yang diberikan itupun atas rahmat dan kasihan belas Allah pada kita. Sehingga Allah izinkan makhluknya yang lainnya cinta pada kita. Walhal Allah boleh bila-bila masa menarik balik rasa itu dari hati orang-orang tadi kalau Allah mahu.
Allah yang menciptakan kita makhluk-Nya, kemudian diberinya kita berbagai-bagai nikmat seperti sihat, gembira, dan macam-macam lagi. Samada masa kita ingat pada-Nya ataupun masa kita lalai, tetap diberi-Nya nikmat-nikmat itu. Begitulah, kebaikan Allah pada kita terlalu banyak sebagaimana firman-Nya: yang bermaksud:
“Kalau kamu hendak menghitung nikmat-nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tak terhitung.”
Besar sungguh jasa Allah dari menciptakan, menghidupkan dan memberi rezeki, suami, isteri, rumah dan macam-macam lagi yang dengannya kita boleh lalui kehidupan dengan aman bahagia. Alangkah biadapnya kita kalau segala pemberian Allah itu kita ambil tapi lupa untuk ucapkan terimakasih, lupa pada yang memberi. Walhal, Allah boleh saja menyusah dan menyenangkan kita dengan kehendaknya.
Oleh itu orang yang betul kenal dan beradab, dia malu pada Allah. malah kerana malunya itu dia tidak nampak yang lain lebih hebat dari Allah. Cintanya tertumpu pada Allah, dan penyerahan diri pada Allah sungguh-sungguh. Setiap saat menanggung rindu lalu masanya dihabiskan untuk berbisik-bisik dengan kekasihnya. Sehingga kerana terlalu mendalam cinta pada Tuhan ada hamba Allah yang berkata, “Wahai Tuhan, aku mencintai Engkau bukan kerana takutkan neraka-Mu. tapi kerana Zat-Mu, ya Allah. Aku rela masuk neraka kalau itulah kemahuan-Mu.”
Itulah rintihan hati seorang wali perempuan Rabiatul Adawiyah dalam munajatnya dengan Allah. Dia menyatakan dua cinta tidak boleh duduk dalam satu hati. Bila cinta Allah sudah penuh dalam hatinya, maka tidak ada tempat lagi untuk cinta selain dari itu.
Ada orang mangatakan: “jika kau berikan hatimu ataupun cintamu pada manusia nescaya dia akan merobek-robekkannya . tapi kalau hati yang pecah itu diberikan kepada Allah nescaya dicantum-cantumkan- Nya. Ertinya cinta dengan Allah pasti berbalas. Dan Allah tidak membiarkan orang yang dicintai-Nya menderita di akhirat.”

Jadi seorang yang bijak dan beradab akan meletakkan kecintaan yang besar pada Allah, pada Rasulullah dan barulah pada makhluk-makhluk lain di samping-Nya. Itulah perletakan cinta yang betul dan menguntungkan di dunia dan juga di akhirat. Itulah dia cinta kita pada Allah swt yang patut kita letakkan.

Kisah nabi Yusuf - http://ayienchan89.blogspot.com/2011/11/hebatnya-cinta-siti-zulaikha-kepada.html

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